Applikon ADI 1030 Bio Controller w/ Watson Marlow 101U/R, Cole Parmer Flowmeter

Applikon ADI 1030 Bio Controller w/ Watson Marlow 101U/R, Cole Parmer Flowmeter

$300 (USD)


The unit was removed from an operating environment and is in good physical condition. The unit was tested for power on only in our facility. We are unable to do further testing due to lack of equipment. The unit comes with everything pictured nothing more or less this includes Watson Marlow 101U/R Peristaltic Pump, Cole Parmer Flow meter, Temperature sensor, pH Cable, and other cables. We can provide more photos upon request. For more details please see photos or contact us if you have any questions.


ModelADI 1030 Bio Controller w/ Watson Marlow 101U/R, Cole Parmer Flowmeter